Ej.: Restaurante, Pizza, Abogados.
Ej.: Bogota, Medellin.

Overtura Tienda Musical


Music Instruments

Carrera 23 No. 53-08, Manizales, Caldas, Colombia
(57-6) 881-0660

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1 opinión sobre Overtura Tienda Musical
Valoración 5 de 5
 Opinión de timothy Bikowski en 18/02/2011
ROLAND TD-20 WITH ALL HARD WARE ANAD BAGS FOR SALE, where can I sell it????? I have a seven piece ROLAND TD 20, Black with purple fade, five toms, kick and snare. DW 5000 double base pedal and hard case DW,5000 single base pedal and trigger and shoulder bag DW 5000 Double bass HI-hat stand (it is a 4 pedal set up, three on one side and one for the bass drum) DW 9000 Snare stand/ double bass model ROC and SOC King size Drum throne, best seat I have ever owned, Brand New!!! MINT CONDITION. Five Electronic cymbals. Electronic Hi-Hat Black Rack and neatly fitting cables for all gear with spare cables and cable bag, two pairs of head phones: Vic firth and Bose QT3 and ¼ inch double jack and 1/8 inch adapters. All gear fits nicely into three bags (except for rack, needs to come apart but have travel bag for it) Size of the kit!!! Kases brand carpet: weighted corners, 6X5 feet fits in travel bag TD 120 Computer head and all cables plus extra cables plus manual Protection Racket and Kases brand travel bags. Professional series VIC -VIRTH double sided practice pad for speed and endurance This complete set, plus bags was bought 1 year and 1/2 ago for 6,300 US dollars. It has not been played much. It is in mint condition. Just the bags and hardware Alone are worth 1,500 US. After 12 years in Colombia I am moving back to the states. I am willing to let the whole thing go for 4,000 US dollars... or best offer. I will not go lower than 3,500 US dollars. I will accept Colombian pesos! You pick up in Manizales. No exceptions, unless, you want to pay for my travel and shipping. You will never get a Professional studio set like this with all the hardware and bags at this price anywhere. It is truly a steel!!!!! But I need to move. You will not ever find a set like this that is completely versatile and ready for recording and or playing live, or the sweetest practice set you could ever imagine. Please let me know. Contact: Tim Bikowski tbikowski@grnadino.edu.co
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Mapa de Overtura Tienda Musical en Carrera 23 No. 53-08, Manizales, Caldas, Colombia

Mapa de Overtura Tienda Musical en Carrera 23 No. 53-08, Manizales, Caldas, Colombia

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