Ej.: Restaurante, Pizza, Abogados.
Ej.: Bogota, Medellin.

Instituto Técnico Industrial


Talleres de Mecánica Industrial

Barrio Tulcán, Popayán, Cauca, Colombia
(57) (28) 8232197

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Talleres de Mecánica Industrial interesantes cercanos de Instituto Técnico Industrial

Cl 4 18-56
Taller de Mecánic...
Cl 1 N 10-74
Taller de Mecánic...
Cl 1N 10A-49
Taller Industrial...
Av Mosquera 2 N-16
Cl 4 18-73

1 opinión sobre Instituto Técnico Industrial
Valoración 5 de 5
 Opinión de Alexander Castillo en 22/06/2012
The Institute Technical Industrial ( Instituto Tecnico Industrial) is one of the highest high secondary schools in Colombia. It provides good education to students and prepares them for college. Most of the students who did their high school in the institute Technical Industrial are excellent professionals , since they were well prepared for their future studies.
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Mapa de Instituto Técnico Industrial en Barrio Tulcán, Popayán, Cauca, Colombia

Mapa de Instituto Técnico Industrial en Barrio Tulcán, Popayán, Cauca, Colombia

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